As a small charity we recognise the value of collaborating and building partnerships with other people and organisations whose work or remit has synergy with ours.
Since our launch we have built relationships with other key organisations to share ideas, information and participate in projects of mutual benefit. These include:
University of the Highlands & Islands (UHI)
Skills Development Scotland
Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE)
The BRIT Trust
The University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)
The UHI is the regional university for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland encompassing both further and higher education through a distinctive partnership of 13 independent colleges and research institutions.
From the outset LCMF has worked closely both with UHI Executive staff over annual music students awards we fund.
From time to time we have provided work experience opportunities to individual graduates to assist us with specific aspects of our work such as video production and social media marketing.
LCMF also has works closely with staff of UHI music departments at UHI Alness and UHI Perth.
SkillS Development Scotland (SDS)
Skills Development Scotland is the national skills body supporting the people and businesses of Scotland to develop and apply their skills
SDS was a funding partner in the Fund's first, highly successful 'Setting the Stage' workshop.
Besides funding, SDS assisted the project with guidance and input on the project's evaluation process as well as facilitating links to schools to promote the workshop to potential trainees.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE)
HIE is the economic and community development agency for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Its Creative Industries Unit has extensive industry networks and supports businesses and social enterprises operating in the culture and creative industries in the region.
HIE’s annual XPONorth Festival is an international platform and showcase for creative industries across the Highlands and Islands. It provides an ideal occasion for us to meet others in the wider music industry to promote our work and explore opportunities for collaboration to support young musicians and others keen on a career in the music industry.